Adult Ministries

Worship is just the beginning. The Christian life is not meant to be lived alone. We were created for connection – with God and with one another. Yet each of us must take our own path, one where God is leading us to grow deeper in faith and become more like Him each day. At Community Church, we are growing to be more like Christ by knowing, loving, and serving God and others. For many, a worship service is the first step on this journey of faith. Maybe you’ve been attending here for two weeks, maybe ten years. Maybe you’ve already tried a few things; maybe you’ve just come each week and worshiped quietly.

We know one of the best ways to nurture your growing relationship with Jesus Christ is to belong to a small group of Christian friends who encourage, challenges and support you as you discern and live out your life mission. We'll help you find a group best suited for you based on where you live, your interests, or your life situation. We have a variety of groups—we're positive there's one group that will be a great place for you to belong, grow and serve. Make a Difference - Become a part of something bigger than yourself. Use your gifts and experience to serve others. Develop friendships along the way while serving in our local community, the world abroad, or within the walls of Community Church.

Adult Groups and Ministries

Community is where we connect and explore the faith with others who are also on the journey. It's the place where we begin to examine Christianity, study the Bible and discover how we can know, love and serve God each day of our lives.

Altar Guild

Maintains the appearance of altar and sanctuary for worship.

God's Kitchen

Twice a year our church volunteers to prepare and serve over 200 lunches on a Saturday at Grace UM Church, 635 Church St., Salisbury, MD.

Gull Creek Ministry

The 1st Thursday of every month a team of worship leaders from the church go to Gull Creek to conduct a worship service with Holy Communion.

Pastor's Bible Study

Usually held as a study series during the day.

Power Prayers

Our intercessory prayer group welcomes all. We are a group of loving, laughing, longing people, deepening our relationship with God ~ Father, Son and Holy Spirit ~ through prayer and study. Daily, we pray for each other and lift the names in prayer of those who share their needs and burdens with us. We meet each Wednesday from 3:00pm in the Church Library.

Multimedia Ministry

The multi-media team assists our Pastors in the church's ministries and worship services through various forms of media - audio, visual, electronic and social media. Volunteers are always needed to serve the multimedia ministry in the 3 services: 8am, 9:15am and 10:30am. The Contemporary Worship Service held at 9:15 on Sunday mornings uses the multimedia ministry the most. At the 9:15am service, the sound board operator controls all sound, including the Praise 66 band members mikes and a Power Point presentation, created by a volunteer, which guides worshipers through the service. Additional volunteers are needed to cover special events, maintain the church's website, Facebook page and Twitter feed.

United Methodist Men

The United Methodist Men meet 3rd Saturday of the month at 8:30am at Church in the Community Room. All men are invited.

United Women in Faith

Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month September thru June at the church. All women are invited.

Hospitality Team

Providing light refreshments for church reception functions.

Congregational Care

Our Congregational Care Team provides expressions of Christ's Love by assisting Community Church at Ocean Pines members, friends, and neighbors in many ways. They serve Holy Communion to Homebound and Shut-In Members, including Residents of Catered Living and The Woodlands and Gull Creek. Periodically, they Anoint with Oil the Homebound Members they visit. They make hospital, assisted living, and home visits to those suffering from illnesses or recovering from surgery. Our Team Members offer prayers. They offer comfort and services based on individual needs. They take guidance from Pastor Dale Brown and keeps him informed of our contacts.

The Woodlands

The 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month a team of worship leaders from the church go to The Woodlands to conduct a worship service with Holy Communion.

Worship Team

Ushers, greeters, communion servers, liturgists, and readers for all three services. All men, women and confirmed youth are invited to this ministry.

The Fred Bruner Memorial Library

Our library is named after the first Pastor of Community Church. Our library contains hundreds of Christian resources to help you know, love and serve the Lord. Shirley Bradley is our librarian. Stop in. The door is always open.

To entice you to visit our church library, consider the following subject headings:

  • Social Action
  • Jesus
  • Bible Reference
  • Grieving
  • Inspirational
  • Fictional
  • Reference Material pertaining to all aspects of the United Methodist Church

If there are special titles you would like to see, please let the library staff know and they will try to fill your request. We also accept donated books and will decide whether the titles are suitable to add to our collection.

Stephen Minister logo

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers have to take a required number of hours of training and are supervised by Stephen Ministry Leaders. Stephen Ministers are the "After People." They are ready to come alongside you for support as needed for:

  • after the phone call you hoped you'd never get.
  • after the divorce papers are served and the bottom falls out of your life.
  • after the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you've held at bay come crashing in on you.
  • after the doctor says, "I'm sorry, but there's nothing more we can do."
  • after the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, "Welcome to your new home."
  • after the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away—and the house suddenly seems empty.
  • after the gavel goes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away.
  • after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible.
  • after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck.
  • after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out.
  • after a loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer or Dementia.
  • after a loved one has been diagnosed with terminal disease.

If you know of someone who would benefit from having a Stephen Minister or you would like to become a Stephen Minister please contact Jack Snyder at

United Women in Faith

The United Methodist Women of Community Church strives to fulfill the purpose of the worldwide organization of United Methodist Women.

The General Meeting

On the third Tuesday of each month at 12 noon, our parent group meets to further know God by reciting the United Methodist Women's Purpose, reading from the Prayer calendar and selected scripture from the Bible, sharing a "Response Moment," as well as participating in a pertinent educational program. Several members continue to participate in the United Methodist Women Reading program and have received certificates of recognition from the District. Our United Methodist Women is also a Five Star Unit, recognized for our giving to mission.

Raising funds for missions is one of our priorities. We currently support 19 different local organizations, including Appalachia Service Project, Youth Mission Project for Worcester County, Backpack Program, Habitat for Humanity, HALO Shelter, and Small Miracles.

Linda Baker and Judy Kight, Presidents

Our Community

We reach out to the community, nation and the world with our various programs. Locally we serve the community with our Shepherd's Nook, Angel's Attic and Sarah's Pantry, our Angel Tree and Back to School programs and are associated with the Small Miracles Foundation. Our Outreach Coordinator provides help to families in Worcester County and Veterans on Maryland's Eastern Shore to help pay for utilities, rent, as well as prescription medications. Through Sarah's Pantry we help feed families in need and Shepherd's Nook provides low-cost clothing and gently used household goods as well. We provide cooks and kitchen help for God's Kitchen at Grace United Methodist Church in Salisbury as well as food and help to various charities in the Ocean City area. Our adults reach out through the Volunteers In Mission of the UMC and adults and youth work together through the Appalachia Service Project and the Youth Mission Project in Worcester County.

Angel Tree

Our Angel Tree is a Christmas tree covered with paper angels. Each angel represents an individual who is less fortunate and needs our help and care. These names are given to us from local organizations and schools, as well as our own church with an Angel Box located in the Narthex for privacy.

Angel Tree volunteers

Community Churchs' Outreach to the World

Community Church supports United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) which is world wide. It responds to dozens of unsung disasters every year. UMCOR is there even when the news cameras are not. This includes supports refugees fleeing disasters with food, water, hygiene and other essential nonfood supplies and temporary shelter.

Four Mission Goals:

  1. Make disciples of Jesus Christ;
  2. Strengthen, develop, and renew Christian congregations and communities;
  3. Alleviate human suffering;
  4. Seek justice, freedom, and peace.

New churches are being planted in new places through Global Ministries' mission initiatives in: Cambodia, Cameroon, Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan), Honduras, Latvia, Lithuania, Malawi, Mongolia, Russia, Senegal, and Southeast Asia (Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam).

Global Ministries is working in collaboration with church leaders across the world to plant 400 churches by 2012. These Mission Initiatives are unique in many ways, but mostly because they are places where The United Methodist Church is new to the population. Local churches can be a part of this movement by supporting and learning from these vibrant congregations through a church-to-church partnership with the In Mission Together program.

The In Mission Together program facilitates church planting abroad by developing partnerships with local congregations in the United States. A partnership covenant is created between the two churches, which fosters mutuality and respect for each other. This is important because both will be transformed and energized by this faith-building experience.

The average age for a pastor in a Mission Initiative is just 35 years old. Church planting efforts have been initiated in over 25 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America. All 50 U.S. states are represented in the In Mission Together church-to-church partnership program, which connects US churches with new church plants in Mission Initiatives around the world. More than 1,000 churches have been planted since the Global Ministries Mission Initiatives began in 1991.

Sheperd's Nook thrift store and flea market

The Shepherd's Nook Thrift Store and Angel's Attic

Open Tuesday-Saturday, 9:00am - 3:00pm
Phone: 410-641-8392 / Email:

The Shepherd's Nook is our thrift store and flea market which offer gently used but not torn or stained (and some new) clothing and household goods at greatly reduced prices. Funds raised are used for emergency assistance in our community, including Delmarva Veterans, and the missions of the church. Clothing that cannot be sold is redistributed to other outreach agencies and shelters. Our volunteers work tirelessly to achieve our mission of "providing food, clothing, household items and emergency assistance to meet the needs in our community."

What We Sell: clothing, shoes and accessories for men, women and children, jewelry, baby items, linens, books, CDs, DVDs, housewares, tools, sporting goods, home décor, collectibles, toys and holiday decorations.

We Do Not Accept: TVs, large appliances, furniture, mattresses, box springs and bed pillows, broken items and trash.

Sarah's Pantry

Open Wednesday- Saturday, 9 am - 1 pm
Phone: 410-641-8392 / Email:

Food is provided to people in our community who have referrals from one of Worcester County's assistance agencies and on an emergency basis. We supply them with frozen meat, bread, and pastries, canned fruit, vegetables, soup and meats, cereal, rice, pasta and sauce and a variety of other items, including basic toiletries. We also provide Holiday Bags of food at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

We accept donations of food, dry and canned goods, as long as they are NOT outdated.

In addition to food purchased from the Maryland Food Bank, we are very grateful for the substantial donations that are routinely received from Mountaire Farms, Food Lion, WaWa, Noel, food drives and generous people in our church family and community.

Sarah's Pantry volunteer

He is the bread of life

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